Family Resources » Annual School Events

Annual School Events

Special Interest Groups — These groups are specifically designed for students who are performing at higher levels and need more advanced academic activities.  These groups will participate in local, regional or state competitions. One example of an advanced study group is a science project team that will compete in local and state science fairs. Other advanced study groups will include: Science Olympiad, Math Leagues (American, Continental), Lego League, Spelling Bee, Extreme Challenge Team, Robotics Team, and Power of the Pen.
Annual School-Wide Events — IMSA-North Indianapolis will organize annual school-wide events geared toward the parents, students, and the larger community. School-wide events are critical to building community, school pride, and a culture of collaboration, learning, and excellence. The whole community gets involved in all aspects of events including the planning, marketing, and execution.  Some of these events will include:
  • Community Breakfast – Each year, community leaders, elected officials, and business leaders will be invited to attend a breakfast at the school and take a tour of the school when it is in session. Guests will meet with students, parents, board members, and staff. This event will engage the larger community and foster community partnerships.
  • Annual School Showcase – Students will have an opportunity to showcase what they have learned at IMSA-North Indianapolis. The community will participate in curriculum-related presentations, shows, and games that are interactive and fun. The showcase will be organized to celebrate and share the school’s success with the community.
  • International Dinner – This cultural event will involve the community in celebrating diversity and the cultures of the world through food, dance and presentations.
  • Honor Roll Parent Dinner – IMSA-North Indianapolis will organize a dinner for parents of students who make the honor roll to recognize the parents’ contribution to the success of their children. Parents and their children will attend the catered dinner, watch presentations, listen to speakers, and mingle with IMSA-North Indianapolis staff.