Family Resources » Nurse Clinic Information

Nurse Clinic Information

You can now fill your Health Clinic Consent form out online!
  • Who We Are:
    • At IMSA-North there is one clinic that is staffed by a board-certified pediatric nurse practitioner affiliated with Shalom Healthcare Center.  Anna Annee, MSN, RN, CPNP-PC, is the full-time nurse practitioner at IMSA North. 
    • All students from K through grade 12 with a valid consent completed and turned in can be seen in the clinic across the hall from the teacher’s lounge, next to the copy room.
    • The clinic is open and available to provide care to students only during the hours of 8:55 am - 4:20 pm. We are not able to provide care for afterschool activities. Teachers and staff are able to reach the clinic via phone or walkie-talkie during school hours.
  • What We Can Do:
    • Nurse practitioners are uniquely suited to the school-based clinics as they can assess, diagnose, and treat medical illnesses as well as provide education and coordination of care where children spend a lot of their time each week.
    • Nurse practitioners are able to prescribe medications and send those electronically to your pharmacy of choice after a child has been seen.
    • We can administer routine medications to students in the clinic with prior arrangement.
    • The clinics also have over-the-counter medications and first aid supplies available.
    • We also have some basic lab testing to use, but we are not able to do blood work, xrays, or more complex lab testing on site.
    • We are happy to work with your primary care provider to share care so your student can be healthy, well, and in class to learn.
    • If you don’t have a primary care provider, we can assist you in establishing care with our pediatrician at Shalom.
    • We also have resources through Shalom to assist families without insurance to sign up for coverage for the children.
  • Consent Information:
    • In order to legally care for your child, we MUST have a completed consent for each child for each school year. This consent includes medical information that is necessary for us to provide safe care.  Please be sure to fill out the forms fully.  Links to the consent forms and permission to administer medications are below.
  • Contact Details:
    • To contact the clinic, call (317)259-7300, extension 120. You may also email to [email protected]
    • At times we may need to contact you somewhat quickly to discuss your child’s health. Because we know parents cannot always answer their phone while at work, we may use the school alert system to send a message to your cell number to call us as soon as you are able or send you a text message to the cellular number you have given.
    • You may also opt to enable messaging through the patient portal of our charting software, which allows us to communicate securely through the medical record. It also allows you to receive information each time your child is seen in the clinic. To do this, you will need to provide your email address to the clinic.